“Arrrrggghh… There be the hidden
treasure”. Now, that will be our stereotypical impersonation of a pirate.
Nowadays, we no longer hear tall tales, myths and stories about lost and hidden
treasures being told in salons like we do in pirate movies. Going on a treasure
hunt, isn’t that something we all wanted to do as kids? Guess what? A treasure hunt was organized by the Interact
Club of PuteriTitiwangsa on the 2nd February 2013. Their version of a treasure
hunt was called “The Amazing Hunt 2013” and was held in the vicinity of SMK
PuteriTitiwangsa, Istana Budaya and Taman TasikTitiwangsa. Perhaps having the
treasure hunt by a lake would be the closest thing to the classic pirates’ hunt
for treasure out at sea.
Several of our very own Interact
Club members participated in this adventurous not to mention breath-taking
(literally) event. They would be our very own Huey Hum (President), Bryan Ang
(Vice President), Alden Ang (Treasurer), Young Ming-Wei (IU Director), Harrish
Emmanuel Justin (Funding Director) Tan Vei Xhion and Vincent Tay. The idea was
to mingle around and so we did because that is what Interactors do! We were
separated into a few groups with group members from our neighboring school
Convent Bukit Nanas and Seri Bintang Selatan. The fee was a reasonable RM 50
per group. Food and drinks were also provided after the hunt.The rendezvous
point was at SMK PuteriTitiwangsa and all participating groups were required to
be at the school between 8 am and 8.45 am for registration. Ahhhh…Nothing like
getting up early on a Saturday morning.
At 9 am, all the eager participants
were gathered in SMK PuteriTitiwangsa’s school hall. The emcee of the event
welcomed everyone and gave a detailed briefing on the rules and regulations for
the hunt. Then, the junior members of the SMK PuteriTitiwangsa Interact Club
were invited on stage to present a choir performance. At approximately 9.20 am,
the whistle was blown and all participants raced of to their first check point
given the first clue. I have to admit that it was already difficult at the
start because we couldn’t find the Interacter in charge of giving the first
clue in the sea of people.
Shake that! |
Just goofing around! |
Yellow, yellow, dirty fellow. |
The first clue lead us to our first
checkpointwhich was located at a shelter by where the “Eye on Malaysia” once
stood. We were giving a task to complete before we can receive the next clue.
At this checkpoint which was the first highlight of the day, we were required
to make a 3 minutes long dance cover of selected popular K-pop tunes. It was
enjoyable because everyone was busting their moves. Some were awesome and cool
whereas others were pretty hilarious but amusing. My team’s choreographer was
SJI’s one and only PSY, Young Ming-Wei. Videos of each team were later posted
on the event page.
The second highlight of the day was
at the 2nd checkpoint. We were given a piece of paper with pictures
of people making funny poses. The challenge was to take pictures ofother people
at the park imitating the same poses given to us. We had a difficult time as of
some people were not as sporting as the rest. Through this, most of us learnt
about how to be persuasive and convincing to get another’s cooperation. Some of
the pictures we took were cute and some were just down right hilarious.
Moving on to the third highlight of
the day at the 4th checkpoint, some of us really got wet. For this
task, we had to burst water balloons not with our hands but by sitting on them.
Two members of each team were blind folded and another two members will guide
them through a maze of chairs to get to the balloons. Fortunately for some,
they came prepared with an extra pair of pants, whereas the othershad to cope
with the uncomfortable wet feeling for the next hour.
Next, over at the 6th
checkpoint, teams had to complete a tiring not to mention mind boggling (if
you’re colour blind) task. Two team members had to become human wheelbarrows
while the other two “push” them around. We had travel a distance of 10m which
felt like 100m!! Due to the strain we had on our “wheels”. We were given a
picture to study and analyze. When we were ready, we had
to “wheelbarrow” or way back to the starting point and answer questions asked
by the checkpoint operators. Some of us failed to get the answers right and had
to make several trips to take a peek at the picture again.
At the last checkpoint (which was
the 9th)… Well it was our last because we ran out of breath. First,
we had to draw a piece of paper from a ballot. The paper contained instructions
on how we would carry a soaked sponge from one end of the basketball court to
the other end. The objective was to fill up the bucket at the other end of the
basketball court with water whilst obeying the instructions given. We received
various challenging and very awkward instructions. For example, some of us
received “chin to chin”, “forehead to chest”, “cheek to stomach” and others
which were hilarious to say the least.
The hunt was brought to an end at
3pm and everyone went over to the canteen for refreshments. After the break, we
were gathered at the hall for the closing ceremony. A dance cover was performed
by three Interacters of Puteri Titiwangsa. The champion team, Runner-up and 2nd
runner-up received hampers and a cash prize. For the rest, completing hunt and
working together with our team members was like a win for us.
We would like to thank the Interact Club of Puteri Titiwangsa for organizing such a fun filled event!
This article was contributed by the Interact Club's Extremely Active Member (E.A.M.), Tan Vei Xhion. Credits to SMK Puteri Titiwangsa for the pictures.